Hi Friends!
Just wanted to update everyone on our beautiful fall days in the Midwest. The leaves should be in full burst in the next couple of weeks, I can't wait. Actually, I am not rushing it, as I have been forewarned of what comes next. We have some wonderful friends that have given us some warm winter items to use for the next 3 winters. I still have no idea of what the concept of the temperature minus teens really mean... but I know that cold is cold. I have bought another space heater so we have one upstairs, and one for downstairs, as the basement gets pretty damp and chilly already. I've been told to get dehumidifier for the basement, since that's where our office is, to get the dampness out and possibly some better air quality. So we are on the look out for that. I am enjoying chapel every morning on campus with Roy and will be sending some bookmarks to folks back home that would like them of our new stained glass windows. They were just installed for the 100th anniversary of St. Mary's chapel. Last Friday was Ember Day. Ember Day is historically the day to pray for all individuals pursuing ministry. Specifically, here on campus, it is the day that all seminarians are required to write home to their bishop and let them know how seminary life is going. Yes, Bishop Smith, Roy has assured me his letter is definitely in the mail. I am very proud of Roy for his appointment of Chapel Scholar. It is a work scholarship that is well worth the extra time it takes out of his already full schedule. He has been doing a very good job at balancing his study time, work scholarships, and family time. The topic of late is Matriculation Day coming up on October 1st. That is the day that Roy signs the book and becomes an official "Son of the House". We are all adjusting to the Benedictine lifestyle here at Nashotah. The community pulls together and supports each other every day. We have decided that t.v. was a luxury we are going to do without, in trade for Heather to be able to take horse riding lessons. As our t.v. is not digital ready and we would have to order satellite service even for local channels, both would not be within the budget. It is a lesson in budgeting choices for her, as well as not having a distraction that could hinder the quality of our family time. Roy has to be selective in his free time, and t.v. isn't high ranking. For me, I guess I miss a couple of shows, but have found some websites that show already aired segments. Now, Monday night football is a different story. Tonight my girlfriend is texting me scores of the Miami vs Indiana game (she is from IN routing for the Dolphins and sorry guys me from FL routing for the Colts) its a fun laugh we have. Our neighbors have graciously offered us an open invitation to coming over to watch their t.v. when needed. So far, I am confident we can get by without it. I'll keep you posted on how we do once the weather really challenges us to inside activities. I still attend my weekly women's grouping on Wed nights, I am also active in the local DOK chapter, and am running for junior class representative for the Women of Nashotah club. Heather has begun to make friends at school. YEAH! I have had some disturbing news from home about a couple of family members and a friend that recently lost their job. I pray for that daily, as well as some friends that are having health issues. I will close with an insert from the 9-15-09 Day by Day devotional about Matthew 4:12-17 The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. It expresses that the light is not just a phenomenon for those who die. That even with the moments of darkness that come our way in life, that through baptism I know that in the morning, there will always be light. Love and Peace to you all.