Sunday, September 4, 2011

School Daze!

Nope, didn't spell it wrong.  School daze meaning we are all in a daze getting settled in to the chaotic routines once again.  It is fun though.  Heather is being home schooled this year.  She is excited about this, as it will be an easier transition I think when it is time to say good-bye.  This is also giving her a chance to learn more about herself, in meditation and reflection.  She will be using the Florida Virtual School system for Spanish I, Geometry, English II, and Marine Biology.  In addition, we will incorporate her horseback riding lessons in to a PE curriculum and she has decided to attend daily chapel services to incorporate a Religious Studies elective.  I hope that this is a good year for us, one to close this chapter in the journey and begin to plan our new life in ministry.

I am committed to getting all of the fall activities and last minute "to do" things checked off my list before the first freeze and all the places I have left to see close for the winter.  Today we went rasberry picking at Henke's in the Town of Jackson.  Our new friend Amanada and her two kids Ayda and Wiles went with us.  We picked 12 pints of rasberries, and now the rasberry cobbler is tickling my senses in the oven as I type.  Next weekend we are housing sitting a very nice home on Seminary Ridge, right on the lake.  That will feel like an almost get-a-way weekend.  I'll be sure to post pics. 

This past week has been a whirl wind of orientation activities.  From getting Heather set up on the FLVS website to my WoNH presidential responsibilities of welcoming the incoming class.  I couldn't do it without the awesome support of this community, however.  WoNH has put together Welcome Baskets, the annual Winter Closet (a thrift shop of donated items for newcomers to get them ready for winter climate of WI), the orientation Ice Cream Social, and many other meeting type events that take place to get to know the new student body and reconnect with returning families after summer.  This week we have a refreshment hour at the Klukas home that should be fun.  WoNH keeps me very busy in planning the board meetings and keeping everyone focused on the seasonal events that we need to keep planned and organized.  Soon it will be fall and that means the annual Fall Festival.  So much to think about and plan!

Work has been crazy the past few weeks as well.  I have a new boss, a new contract, and new business practice initiatives that I must create tools for our intranet resource page for the production team.  Thankfully, the late nights work is complete.

Stephanie is excited to tell us that she has a new job.  She now works at a training center called "Happy Paws Pet Resort".  She seems so happy, and that makes me very happy.  I am so proud of both my children.  Being far away from Stephanie is difficult, but her independence and responsibility make me confident that she is ok without me.

Below are pictures I just wanted to share of our barn on campus, with the corn ready for harvest in the background.  Oh how I will miss this scene. Also, a picture of the cobble booth that Zion had at the annual Art Festival in Oconomowoc.

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